

Towards Data Centric IS (POJET 2016)


For many years Club Urba-EA has recognized the importance of data in business and IS transformation as well as in new businesses and new usages development. Club Urba-EA has regularly conducted projects on this theme. 

The 2016 project « Towards a data centric IS » is in line with these projects.

It aims at depicting an up-to-date view of critical factors making organizations and IS more data centered. Five factors have been analyzed

  • Developing data knowledge and architecture
  • Opening business and IS on organizations environments and ecosystems
  • Facing data-based regulation development
  • Monetizing and governing data
  • Evolving toward a data sharing IS architecture

The choice of these factors results directly from the field experiences and feed back on which the project is developed. Doing so, it must be acknowledged that other important factors of  data centric transformations might have been left aside.

Towards Data Centric IS (POJET 2016)

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